Creatively Exploring | We Are Lake Ontario
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We Are Lake Ontario

We Are Lake Ontario

Project Leader:

Amy Bartell, SUNY Oswego

Collaborative Partner:

Oswego High School


The Great Lakes comprise 20% of the world's fresh water supply. Lake Ontario is the most endangered Great Lake. SUNY Oswego is positioned on 1.1 miles of the lake's shoreline. Taking responsibility for our lake, the habitat the lake provides for migrant birds, and the quality of water that our lake provides our community and the world involves educating our campus and community, as well as engaging civic responsibility. We Are Lake Ontario is a collaborative project that includes resident hall teams that meet to clean up our shoreline, permaculture projects that involve educating our community about the habitat that grows along the shore, art and installation work that give a visual voice to an endangered and increasingly polluted fresh water supply. The lake is one way our school brands itself; it is among our most valued assets. It is also the natural wonder we have perhaps taken most for granted and neglected in our actions. By becoming responsible stewards of our lake, we take action. We shift our culture through change. Change that begins by interrupting the impulse to walk by a wrapper, or let a twist tie blow by.


Selected works will be exhibited at Oswego State Downtown (summer 2018), as well as featured in collaborative published works with poetry Professor Laura Donnelly. We Are Lake Ontario is a multi-year initiative that will expand into multi-media platforms - one goal of this project is to have narrative information included in new-student orientation and on-going campus/community dialogue and projects.


October 19, 2016

